Friday, February 26, 2010

Fully Charged ..

I keep telling myself , 
wait until the storm is over..
when its gone..i turn into a storm myself, 
getting charged,
as a piece of metal standing in the way of a strong magnetic field ..
now i need another storm to face it, and discharge ,
Otherwise i'm gonna make lots of troubles wandering like that..
bearing excess energy...!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

فى مفترق الطرق لا مجال للعاطفة

لا.. لن افعل..ليس معها هى..ليس بعد كل هذاالعمر

ارجوك اطلب منى اى شئ الا هذا
الا تذكر كيف كنت مطحون قبل ان اجدها
و كيف تحولت حياتى بعدها
من فضلك لا تبدأ سمعت الكثير عن كونى الاحمق الذى لا يعرف كيف يتجاهل عاطفته, فقط لا اريد سماعه منك انت بالذات
لقد كنت هناك من البداية و كانت لك يد فى ان يتم .
كنت معنا طوال الوقت
الوحيد الذى يمكنه الانقاذ فى الازمات
كنت معنا ايضا فى كل الافراح و رايت كيف تحملتنى بل انها حتى لم تتذمر من كثرة تواجد اصدقائى
اعلم ان المشاكل ازدادت مؤخرا لكن هناك دائما حل انها البساطة ذاتها.. افهمها كنفسى
حسنا" اراك لاحقا, لن اتأخر الليلة على كل حال

متى ينتهى كل هذا ؟متى يدركوا أن......تتتك تتك !!!!!ما ...ما الذى؟!!! بوم
لا لا ارجوكى ليس هنا ...
الكل يتدافع من الاربع جهات نحوى
تبا اين الهاتف!؟
هاهو.....أجب ارجوك ..أجب

أسطى مغاورى !!لقد فعلتها ثانية أسرع من فضلك
مفترق الطرق الاخير
 والاخير لنا سويا سيارتى العزيزة

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Kite Runner The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
i knew the real Afghanistan ..i felt it was like Edan back then before soviet war and till these very days under taliban terror ,not only how it looked but also its cultural heritage.The story contains a bunch of wonderful friendship scenes, very complicated feelings and relationships ,and i never new that running kite is that important or having such strict rules :)

View all my reviews >>

Saturday, February 13, 2010

About Valentine ,I Shall not write ..!!

Stagnant..Out there, out of my window, i have a very limited view..i can only see a few meters of the street boarded by an alley and three buildings.. no sun, no open sky, no horizon  even not the end of the street i can see, but since i knew the topography out there, that i walked it many times ,it can easily be visualized ..!! By time ..its fading , the scene is fading away and i even can hardly walk down without a stop and reorientation each few steps..!!

Stream... Out there, away from my limited view window, i know many things are existed ..the kind of things that release extensions out of me get me reconnected; so i can find my way to Neverlands easily, so i can breath over my lungs space without getting them filled, so i can put an imaginary conception for a time machine and make it come true.. to be in a world where i can smile and care without looking suspicious .. to simply diffuse among a jet of bubbles without any getting popped..!!

to have love symptoms without actually being in love ..But this issue.. is another..!!
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