Saturday, September 12, 2009

the 10 hours before exam ''science student''l

# 11:00 pm (10 h. before exam)

Wwoooooow i'm so tierd i have to sleeeeeeep now

i didn't finished yet but it seems like it's my end now well i'll adjust my alarm turn off the light and sleeeeeeeeeeep

mmmmmm liberation of O2

I hate that guy ,alcohols are more acidic than mmmmmmm

hey u drunk my milk th.......ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Trrrrrrrrrrrrrr

# 4:00 am(5 h.before exam)

Oooooo i haven't slept enough i'll sleep more 30 min

Trrrrrrrr Trrrrrrrrr Trrrrrrrrrr

# 4:30 am

alright alright i'm awake now well what will i do now???

let's review what i had studied ok we add H2O break the bond ooh ya thats too easy the next is definitions alright alkali is mmmmi don't remember i'll read it .......ya ok

#6:30 am(3 h. left)

papers papers papers papers are all around all this is driven' me crazy


concentrate just concentrate and every thing gonna be ok

where is the unstudied part???here it is .....leaves containing chloro....oh no that is botany concentrate it's chemistry today

ok ok here it is the right one th........ < >!!!! MAM CALLING

DON'T go out without your breakfast

well the reac..........<<>>!!!!! mam again

yaaa R U READY FOR EXAM???? i'm almost ready mam

the reaction is .....<<>> U KNOW who !!!!!

anyway time is 9:00 am i should get ready now ooh why i'm so tensebe quite be quite every thing gonna be ok ...................

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