Saturday, September 12, 2009

MaTteR Of CoNfUsIoN

# here in the silence ......setting alone.....seeing nobody and nobody sees me

# here in the silence feeling only cold lovable air wind.......hearing only the birds singing..

# thinking of nothing but my words to write

# sky is blue...reddish blue ...with an orange discoid sun seeing the current day off for the last time

# well in this imagenary surroundings what about having a conversation??? < >

=what about your expect for tomorrow???

=tomorrow is in the hands of God.......

=well i know ,but what do you want to be or look like??!

what about being a teacher in my college?!! having anice car and my own salary.......there'll be no more instructions or refusion.....i'll be the owner of my life...thats all!!!

=MMmmmm...... i don't know yet exactly what i want but let's see =and what about ENGAGEMENT??!!??

=i just wonna be ready for such relationship...frist feel the real freedom,creat my own character and specify my own rules for living so i can draw clear image for the life i want to live with the right ONE and to know what family i'm gonna setup

it's so hard to say how can i achieve all that .....what will promot me to this level of living???

=ya your right but don't you want to know WHO ??!!

=no i don't, coz what i'm sure of is that there is someone and sooner or later i'll know who

and till that day i'll do my best...... God help me to be what i want &help him too WHOEVER he is

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